Another success for National Walk to School Day

The Klager Walk to School gang gathered at ChiBro Park before heading up the hill, after the Riverside kids had already headed down the Shared Use trail to school.
“It takes a village to make things happen,” says Kathy O’Mara, coordinator of the Walk to School program that runs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from Wurster Park and Chi-Bro Park, encouraging students to walk to Klager and Riverside schools. The group has walked a total of 15 days, as of last Friday, and many of those kids have walked every time.
There were more than 125 students and adults participating in last week’s celebration of National Walk to School Day, which happens annually in October. This year’s date was October 10 and
“I can not thank everyone for making our National Walk to School Day such a success,” O’Mara said. “The village council were able to get five of their members, Village Manager, Account Clerk, and DPW Supervisor involved in the walk. The school board was able to get three members and the superintendent involved. We also had clergy, food service, principals, a fireman, and many parents.
“We can be very proud of our turnout. Thanks for joining in on the fun challenge!”

Starting off at Wurster Park on a warm Wednesday morning!
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