Hike the Sharon Short Hills Preserve

Short Hills Preserve trail map. Washtenaw County Parks and Preserves
Does some calm of nature before the holidays sound appealing to you? Join Washtenaw County naturalist, Kelsey Dehring, at the Sharon Short Hills Preserve for a hike, Saturday, November 17th from 10 am to noon. The Sharon Short Hills Preserve, located on Hashley Road in Sharon Township, offers beautiful views and rolling hills, which are some of the highest in the county. Elevations in the western portion of the preserve reach 1,060 feet, some of the highest in the county. There is more than 80 feet of elevation change throughout the property. The preserve is made up of 84 acres and was established by the county in 2010.
To get the Preserve, head north on M-52, turn west on Grass Lake Road, then turn south on Hashley Road. The preserve is on the west side of the road after 0.6 miles.
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