Mens Club replaces Chi Bro Park pavilion’s roof

Mens Club members Austin Scott, Mikey Ahrens, and Dan Fleck working on the Chi Bro Park pavilion roof. Photo courtesy of Austin Scott.
The pavilion at Chi Bro Park has a beautiful new roof thanks to the Manchester Mens Club. Mens Club member Austin Scott described the process, “The tear off was done by members and our unofficial mascot “Ralph” on October 14th. It was a nice day and took most of the day to get done. We replaced the old cedar shake with steel. The new roof was installed by Paul Sroufe and Jeff Pratt of Sroufe Improvements with a lot of help from Mikey Ahrens.
“This is the second roof installed by Sroufe Improvements; this time by the son of the original owner, Mel Sroufe. We purchased the materials from Harlow Sheet Metal out of Ann Arbor. Pat Harlow donated a lot of labor to bend the steel and get it ready for installation.”
The Mens Club is proud of the work that was done and how beautiful it looks and the community is grateful for the nice park facility to enjoy for years to come!

Andy Mahony. Photo courtesy of Austin Scott.

Jeff Pratt, Paul Sroufe, Mikey Ahrens. Photo courtesy of Austin Scott.

Lester Koch. Photo courtesy of Austin Scott.

Ralph. Photo courtesy of Austin Scott.

Finished roof. Photo courtesy of Austin Scott,
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