Local organizations need your help to make Christmas special for those in need

Some of the Toys for Tots collected in Manchester in a previous year. Photo courtesy of Jeff Mann.
With snow on the ground and chill in the air, it is not hard to start thinking about Christmas shopping and the perfect gifts for loved ones. Imagine how stressful this time of year can be for a parent who recently had their hours cut back, or for seniors living on a fixed income, or for families just barely scrapping by. Multiple organizations in Manchester work every year to make sure everyone can have a merry Christmas and all of them could use your help!

Toys for Tots drop-off location sign at the post office.
Toys for Tots is a national organization that has been distributing toys to children in need since 1947. Manchester’s Toys for Tots operates independently from the Washtenaw County’s Toys for Tots collections with all toys collected in Manchester, distributed back to children in Manchester. Last year 305 toys were collected and donated. Since 2004 when organizer Jeff Mann started working on this, 4,804 toys have been collected. Toys for Tots boxes will be going out this week, by Friday at the latest. Boxes will be located at Manchester True Value Hardware, Ash Auto, the Manchester District Library, Manchester Pharmacy, Old National Bank, Linda’s Diner, and Manchester Township Office. To donate, place a new, unwrapped toy in a box. The final pickup day will be Thursday, December 20th. If you need toy assistance this year, call 734-428-8122 and leave a message.
The Manchester District Library located at 912 City Road is holding a hat and mitten tree this year. They will be putting up a tree up in the library after Thanksgiving and accepting donations of the hats and gloves which will go to the Community Resource Center. The Library will also be collecting personal care items and cleaning supplies for the Community Resource Center during this time in a box next to the tree. The last day for the collection of items at the library is December 15th and they will be distributed to Community Resource Center clients December 17th – 21st.
New this year, The Shoppes of Alber’s Mill located on the corner of Adrian Street and Main Street will be partnering with the Community Resource Center to create a Giving Tree. The Giving Tree will be located at the Mill and will have ornaments listing kitchen utensils and small appliances requested by the Community Resource Center’s food pantry customers. To participate, you will be able to select an ornament, purchase the needed item, and return it to underneath the tree as a gift. The gifts will be distributed to the customers who made the requests. The Giving Tree should be up this weekend and will be up until December 15th.
The Manchester Family Services organizes an annual Christmas Project. Through the project they are able to coordinate the efforts of donors in the community to provide gifts, food, warm clothing and other items to those they serve by distributing donated items at their annual Christmas Shop on Saturday, December 22 from 9am to noon at the cafeteria in the Riverside Intermediate School located at 710 E. Main. If you would like to donate items this year, bring items to Riverside on Friday, December 21 between 12:30pm and 5pm. Enter through the outside door from the parking lot in front. There will be signage to direct you. The Christmas Project is looking for donations of coats, boots, sweaters, hats and gloves, as well as toys and household items such as sheets, towels, blankets, dishes, kitchen items and Christmas decorations. Groceries (no glass containers please) and paper products will also be welcomed. Please, no clothing or shoes, other than what has been specified.
Manchester’s Cub Scout Pack 421 will be collecting canned goods, personal care and cleaning items as part of their Annual Scouting for Food event to benefit Manchester Family Service’s Annual Christmas Shop. On November 25th, Cub Scouts will deliver paper bags and instructions to homes in the Village. On December 2nd, Cub Scouts will return to pick up donated items. Just leave the bag with donated items on your porch by 9 am. The Cub Scouts will be collecting in person on Sat, December 1st from 10 am to 2 pm and Sun, December 2nd from noon to 4 pm in the parking lots at Dollar General and Manchester Market. They will also have two convenient food collection drop box locations: at Andrews Family Chiropractic from Nov. 19th – Dec. 2nd and at Sharon United Methodist Church on December 1st during the Christmas in the Village craft show. Please, no glass containers or expired items.
Manchester Family Services also organizes a Christmas Adopting project for organizations, local businesses and families or individuals that wish to enter into the spirit of giving by purchasing gifts for a senior, single, or family in our community that has indicated they’d like to be adopted. If you are interested in adopting a family for Christmas contact John Sahakian at 734-428-7183 or email manchesterfamilyservice@gmail,com.
If you are interested in adopting a senior or single, contact Marlene Uphaus at 734-428-8403 or email, muphaus@aol.com. Information on gender, age and gift ideas for each individual as well as a suggested range of spending is available. Gifts should not be wrapped and can be brought to the Art Room at the Riverside Intermediate School on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 18 & 19 between the hours of 4 and 7 pm. The Art Room is on the west side of the building, just south and west of the gym. The outside door is on the west side of the building facing the driveway that goes to the rear parking lot.

Manchester Family Services preparing the Christmas Shop a few years ago when it was held in St. Mary’s Parish Center.
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