Poets read to a packed house at the Art Kettle

Poetry enthusiasts gathered at the Art Kettle from all over Southeast Michigan and Toledo, Ohio, to hear readings by lisa eddy and Carol Morris on Sunday afternoon, November 11.
submitted by Laura Earle
What does it mean to be a woman, in this time, in this place? Through various written pieces, lisa eddy examines the experiences and ideas that have shaped her perspective on being a woman in Southeast lower Michigan for half a century. lisa eddy is a writer, musician, teacher, and scholar. Her academic writing has appeared in English Journal, eMuse, Language Arts Journal of MI, PMLA, and CT Reading Association journal. Find her education blog at: https://citizenteacher.
About 20 years ago, Carol Morris switched her energies to visual art and actively exhibited locally and nationally. She is now returning to writing in a new way, enjoying a path inclusive of nature and spirituality, in dramatic contrast to her earlier body of poems which are personal narratives about romance, divorce, fertility, childhood abuse, and aging. Carol has Masters degree from MSU in creative writing, and her poetry has published with Minnesota and MSU presses, and Pudding Press in Ohio. She has many publications in literary journals, as well as audio recordings with accompanying original music.
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