Manchexit? Village board authorizes researching process of becoming a city

Manchester–village or city?
Much like the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, the Village of Manchester may have taken its first step toward separating from the larger umbrella of Manchester Township.
The Manchester Village board voted at its regularly scheduled board meeting last Monday to direct the village manager, Jeff Wallace, to research the process of becoming a city. As an incorporated village in Michigan, the Village of Manchester has its own board but also is part of the the Township in which it is located, Manchester Township. The township also has its own separate board. Becoming a city would mean the separation from Manchester Township and removal from the jurisdiction of the Township board.
The move to investigate becoming a city was first discussed publicly this summer at Village Council and Downtown Development Authority meetings, in response to the possibility of a township-wide millage to provide broadband internet access to the whole township; as Village residents already have access to broadband internet.
Wallace will be reporting his findings at the next Village Council meeting, Monday, December 3 at 7 pm on the lower level of the Village Hall, 912 City Road.
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