Men’s Club begins annual Christmas tree sale

You may find ornaments available for your tree when you go to make your selection! Free cookies, too! A free tree waterer is also offered with each tree.
On Sunday morning, the Manchester Men’s Club, along with the help of a dozen Manchester High School soccer players, picked up 210 Christmas trees and delivered them to Chi-Bro Park to prepare for the Men’s Club annual sale.
Trees this year include blue spruce, Canaan Fir, or Douglas Fir, and all trees are $45. Local delivery is possible!
Sales have begun and will continue Monday – Friday 5-8 pm, Saturday 9 am-5 pm, and Sunday 12-5 pm.
Come early to get the best pick before the trees are GONE! All donations for Christmas trees go directly back to the community–in donations to parks, MHS athletics, and the Riverfolk Music and Arts organization, to name just a few.
Have a Merry Christmas, and the Men’s Club looks forward to seeing you!

Setup of the tree lot on Sunday took place in no time, thanks to the help of the MHS Soccer Team.
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