Little gifts total big money for Manchester Family Service

Pictured: Pastor Dillon Burns of Manchester United Methodist Church; Webb Seegert, president of MFS; Sandy King, United Methodist Women President; Debbie Reinhart, chair of the Forgotten Christmas store; and John Sahakian, treasurer of MFS.
For the second year, the women of Manchester United Methodist Church (MUMC) have proven the old proverb that one person’s cast-offs can be another’s treasure … and have made a huge difference in the lives of many Manchester families in the process.
Small gifts of no-longer-used Christmas decor, ornaments, and other holiday items, were offered for a donation at MUMC this season and reaped big rewards for a local charity.
The “Forgotten Christmas” store tradition at MUMC last year was a windfall for the Community Resource Center food bank, by members simply recycling their old Christmas decorations and ornaments by way of a Christmas Rummage Sale. This year’s recipient of $1,000 was Manchester Family Service, who is preparing for its own Christmas Store this week.
Last Thursday, Sandy King, President of UMW and Debbie Reinhart, who chaired this year’s Forgotten Christmas, presented a check to Webb Seegert and John Sahakian, officers of Manchester Family Service, representing the proceeds of this year’s Forgotten Christmas store.
This thoughtful gift will make the holiday brighter for many in Manchester who benefit from the Manchester Family Service. Thanks to all who participated.
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