Lions report highest luminaria sales in 11 years

Downtown Manchester was lined with luminaria on Christmas Eve, thanks to a group of “Make it Manchester” volunteers. The community was lit up as well by the efforts of many more residents who placed and lit luminary bags in front of their homes and the village parks.
Manchester had a great turnout of luminaria on Christmas Eve 2018, with a grand total of 3,532 candles lining the streets of the village and surrounding areas. This just barely surpassed the previously-set record of 3,510.
The Manchester Lions Club, who has coordinated sales of the luminaria since 2008, sold their last kits at 4:15 pm on Christmas Eve.
“We had already put everything away and turned out the lights,” says Barry Allen. “Peggy was warming up the truck as I went back to take the banner down … one person showed up and bought a set of 20 luminaria bags and candles for $10, which brought us to our grand total.
“Thanks to all who stopped by to help with the sales and moral support.”
Among those who ‘stopped by’ was Carl Curtis, who was celebrating his 25th year of luminaria sales.
“Sharon and I moved to Manchester in 1994, and one of the first things we did was join the Historical Society,” he recalls. “I got involved right away helping Forrest Walz with the luminaria project. And I’ve been doing it ever since.”
Curtis ended up succeeding Walz in coordinating the effort for the MAHS for several years before the Lions Club took over, and he not only mentored the Lions those first couple of years, but was so impressed with their activities that he ended up becoming active in that group, as well.
Allen also thanked the Village and the Downtown Development Authority for supporting the event.
“Peggy and I drove back into town from the west, and we had luminaria continuously from the market, through downtown, up Ann Arbor Hill, and all the way to Dutch Drive. One person commented they went out at 4:30 am and many of the candles were still lit.
“I’m already getting things together for next year,” he adds.

Carl Curtis celebrated his 25th straight year of selling luminaria this Christmas. Every year since moving to Manchester in 1994, he has been involved in helping out with sales, through the Manchester Area Historical Society and now the Lions Club.
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