Village Council approves forming cityhood study committee

Manchester village hall
At its December 17 meeting, the Manchester Village Council again discussed the possibility of becoming a city and voted unanimously to establish a Citizens Advisory Committee to further investigate the process.
Village President Pat Vailliencourt requested that all Council members submit names of a “diverse group” of nine members–who must be village residents–to her by December 28, so that appointments to the committee may be made at the January 7 meeting.
The designation of cityhood is basically a description of an incorporated municipality and has more to do with providing services and autonomy of government than with the type of community it describes. Should the Village of Manchester decide to vote whether to become a city, the primary difference would be that the property parcels comprising the new city would be withdrawn from the township, and residents and visitors alike would notice no significant changes to the look and feel of the community.
Individuals who may wish to express an interest in being considered to serve on the citizens advisory committee may contact Vailliencourt at You will be contacted if you are selected to serve.
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