Bids approved for River Raisin Park construction

The River Raisin park will start construction this spring with completion scheduled by fall.
Three firms submitted construction bids on December 19 for beginning Manchester’s newest park, River Raisin Park, located across M-52 from the current Chi-Bro Park, between Over the Edge and the shared use trail.
The plans have been four years in the making and price projections have increased significantly, but an additional $75,000 grant from Hurst Foundation in honor of the DuRussel family increased revenue and was instrumental in reducing the village’s overall contribution to the project.
Quotes were received from A.R. Brouwer Co. ($674,000), Fisher Contracting Co. ($599,831), and LJ Construction, Inc. ($536,500). The Village Council accepted the bid of LJ Construction, Inc., with three alternates totaling $587,013. With the addition of light poles and power to the park, the total cost will be $613,001, of which $375,000 will be covered by state and other grants. This leaves the village contribution at $238,001.
The alternate pricing included a deduction of $39,800 for using Helical Piers rather than timber piling on the boardwalk and fishing pier; an additional $85,000 to add concrete steps, railing, walks, and ledgestone walls plus one light fixture; and $5,312.50 to substitute Pine River Pier Advantage clear premium deck board for the proposed wood decking.
Village Manager Jeff Wallace noted that LJ Construction had excellent references and they also are working with local contractors for services.
SmithGroup JJR representative Neal Billetdeaux said the underwater portion of the work will be able to begin prior to April 1 to accommodate the DNR-regulated spawning season, which extends through July 1. Work on land can continue throughout the season and will not be affected by spawning.
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