Village Council appoints cityhood study committee

Manchester–village or city?
At its January 7 meeting, the Manchester Village Council affirmed Village President Pat Vailliencourt’s selection of nine village citizens for a cityhood advisory committee.
Those named to the committee include Denise Collins, Scott Dunsmore, Pat Fielder, Rick Finger, Jack Gould, James Keller, Leslie Kiesel, Carol LaRock, and Herb Mahony. Each member brings specific experiences and expertise that will help the committee as it looks into the many facets that make up becoming a different type of municipal entity. Both newer residents and long-term residents, business owners, realtors, those with planning commission and village council experience, those in law enforcement, and those with industrial experience and financial expertise are some of the representations the nine members bring to this endeavor.
“This committee’s task will be to investigate the road to cityhood and to get public input, information that meets the criteria for becoming a city, and then bringing back a recommendation to Village Council,” Vailliencourt said when presenting her nominees. “Once we know their recommendation, we can proceed in that direction.”
She added that the State Boundary Commission also will need to weigh in on the issue before the ultimate decision will be made by village voters.
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