142nd Alumni Banquet set for June 15

The Class of 1968 celebrated its 50th reunion last year. This year, the Manchester High School Alumni Banquet will provide a similar opportunity to the class of 1969 on Saturday, June 15.
submitted by Paul Heinrich, Class of 1969
The Manchester Alumni Association is proud to announce the 142nd Alumni Banquet, to be held on Saturday, June 15th, 2019 at Manchester High School which is located at 20500 Dutch Drive. Social hour will begin at 5 pm with dinner being served at 6:30 pm. The classes of 1949, 1959, 1969, and 1979 will receive special recognition during the event. Invitations will be mailed to alumni in May.
Manchester Alumni have established a unique tradition of providing donations to fund annual scholarship awards. These are presented to several MHS graduating seniors during the banquet. The Scholarship Fund has proven to be an excellent way for MHS Alumni to invest in Manchester youth, whether it is a general donation, memorial or honorarium. Tax deductible donations can be mailed to the: MHS Alumni Association, P.O. Box 254, Manchester, Michigan, 48158. Please make check payable to MHS Alumni Association. If you have questions please email them to: mhsdutchalumni@yahoo.com.
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