Manchester Community Dance set for March 2

There’s going to be a community dance–and you are invited!
Just what, exactly, is a community dance? Traditionally, it’s an opportunity to gather together and share a fun activity in your own community.
That sounds easy enough, but what is not so easy is getting the word out and making the entire community feel welcome. In this era we often rely on Facebook, emails and electronic media. But what about someone who is not on the social media pages or the internet? How do we include them?
That’s where your help is needed. The organizers of the upcoming “Manchester Community Dance” are asking everyone to please help us get the word out to friends and neighbors – encouraging them to feel invited to this fun and free event, scheduled for March 2nd at Emanuel United Church in Manchester. The Community Dance will take place at 8 pm in the gymnasium (it’s an ideal dance floor)!
Music and instruction will be provided by Creole du Nord (Mark & Carol Palms). No experience is necessary! This event is sponsored by Riverfolk Music & Arts in partnership with the Five Healthy Towns Coalition. Hope to see you there!
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