Think spring! Manchester residents consider garden club

Post Clock at the K-J House
submitted by Sybil Kolon
You may not have a green thumb, but a little knowledge and support could help you get off to a great start in your yard this spring.
A meeting has been set for Thursday, Feb. 28 from 1-3 pm, at the Kingsley-Jenter house, 302 E. Main, Manchester, to explore establishing a garden club in Manchester. Please join us or let us know that you would support and encourage this effort. (Contact info at the end.)
Staff from McLennan’s Landscape & Nursery will be participating, as well as a few Master Gardeners who are eager to help guide this effort. There also are many resources available from Michigan Garden Clubs (
There have been iterations of a garden club in town in the past, but other than a community vegetable gardening group and an infrequently used Facebook group for sharing plants, such a group no longer seems to exist.
This is a grass roots effort that hopes to make our town more attractive, in public and private spaces. One idea is to improve the landscape around the Kingsley-Jenter House at the intersection of Main Street and M-52, now owned by the Manchester Area Historical Society. Last fall a new Post Clock was installed on the front lawn, a friendly welcome to everyone passing through our town. Wouldn’t it be nice to help MAHS with this effort, to leave a lasting impression on passerby?
Here are just a few things a local garden club could do:
- Design a flower bed for the Post Clock at the K-J House
- Help spruce up downtown and the parks
- Share information, ideas, and plants
- Plan garden tours
- Promote specific types of gardens
- Pollinator gardens
- Rain gardens/barrels
- Native plants
- Edwardian Era or other period gardens
Please join us; call or email Sybil Kolon: 734-428-8108,
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