Sara Swanson

Mass at Sunrise on Ash Wednesday

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submitted by St. Mary Catholic Church

There is one day during the year when we see a great number of people walking around with dark smudges on their foreheads. And these people are usually so well-groomed!

When and why does this occur? It would be on “Ash Wednesday,” the day Christians mark as the beginning of the Lenten season and on which they observe the ancient tradition of receiving the mark of a cross on their foreheads. The ashes come from burning the palms from the previous year’s Palm Sunday. Typically the religious leader who imposes the ashes says at that moment a prayer such as: “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return,” or “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.”

Ash Wednesday this year is March 6, and St. Mary Catholic Church on Main Street invites all friends and neighbors to come to a special “Sunrise Mass” at 7 am (literally the official time of sunrise on that day) to begin this season of prayerful preparation for the great feast of Easter by observing this ancient tradition. So regardless of your work schedule or other commitments, you still have an opportunity at the very beginning of your day to attend Holy Mass and receive the Imposition of Ashes.

May non-Catholics attend? Of course. All are welcome to the Holy Mass. And all are welcome to receive ashes. The only part of Mass that is reserved for practicing Catholics who are not aware of serious sin is the reception of Holy Communion. As the word “communion” suggests, this is for those in union with the Catholic Church. But that need not keep anyone away, for it can be simply a time for quiet prayer if you are not receiving, no matter the reason.

Respecting the fact that many people need to get to work, the Mass will be relatively brief; that is there will be no hymns and no sermon. Please consider taking this opportunity to begin Ash Wednesday – and all of Lent – with this holy reminder of the cross. St. Mary’s is the lovely little fieldstone church, located in the Village, just west of downtown, directly across from the Gazebo. For more information, please call the parish office at 734-428-8811.

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