Old National Bank presenting What Baby Boomers Need to Know to Maximize Retirement Income
Social Security is far more complicated than most people realize. The decisions baby boomers make now can have a tremendous impact on the total amount of benefits they stand to receive over their lifetime. Everyone is invited to Old National Bank’s educational workshop Say Social Security Planning: What Baby Boomers Need to Know to Maximize Retirement Income presented by Brenda Henning on March 26, 2019 at 5:30 pm. The workshop will be located at Old National Banking Center, 111 E Main Street in Manchester. The workshop is free, purely educational (not to sell a product), and you do not need to be an Old National customer to attend; everyone is invited.
When your parents retired, they probably didn’t think too much about Social Security. They just went down to their local office as soon as they turned 65, or maybe 62 if they retired early, and applied for benefits. They took their benefits for granted and didn’t ask very many questions. But baby boomers are approaching the Social Security question in a very different way. Questions boomers are asking include: Will Social Security be there for me? How much can I expect to receive? When should I apply for Social Security? How can I maximize my benefits? Will Social Security be enough to live on in retirement?
To help baby boomers better understand the Social Security system, this workshop will cover five factors to consider when deciding when to apply for benefits, when it makes sense to delay benefits — and when it does not, why you should always check your earnings record for accuracy, how to estimate your benefits, how to coordinate benefits with your spouse, how to minimize taxes on Social Security benefits, and how to coordinate Social Security with your other sources of retirement income.
Seating is limited and reservations are recommended. RSVP to Tammy.Melcher@oldnational.com or 734-396-9305
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