Super Leaders. Super Readers. (part 1)

The 2018-2019 Student Lighthouse Committee. Front Row (left to right): first graders Steven Fahey, Evan Johnson, Zoey Klobucar, Allison, Cassidy Hieber, and Genevieve Simmons-Moore. Back Row (left to right): second graders Logan Schoeneman, Raegan Dulin, Elijah Houchin, CJ Porter, Caleb Benedict, and Annikah Stalhandske
submitted by Jennifer Mayes, Principal, Luther C. Klager Elementary
Super Leaders. Super Readers. These four little words truly embody our mission at Klager Elementary. What we do in partnership with our families for children ages 5-8 can set students up for either success or difficulty for the remainder of their school experience. These truly are formative years!
So, what does it mean to be a “Super Leader?” Four years ago, Klager was blessed with grant monies, including financial support from 5 Healthy Towns, to become a Leader in Me school where the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey were translated into kid-friendly soft skills. Children as young as kindergarten can recite the seven habits—and what they mean:
- Be Proactive (I’m in charge of me)
- Begin with the End in Mind (set a goal and make a plan)
- Put First Things First (work first, then play)
- Think Win-Win (no one has to lose)
- Seek First to Understand and then to Be Understood (listen before you talk)
- Synergize (work together)
- Sharpen the Saw (take care of yourself)
We even have a youth governance team led by Pat Merrill and Karin Villarreal called our Student Lighthouse Committee. Students apply to be on the team and those who are selected help decide what their school should look like, how it should feel, and what we should be doing—especially with assemblies or special events.
When our kids can think critically, problem-solve, and find balance in their lives at such a young age, just think what they will be able to do later in life! At Manchester, we develop not just citizens, but leaders.
Stay tuned as next time we tackle what it means to be a “Super Reader.”
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