It’s reading month at Riverside Intermediate School

Third-grade students reading together as March is Reading Month begins, on the morning of March 1.
submitted by Gary Puhl, Riverside Intermediate principal
It is so hard to believe that it is March! With March comes March is Reading Month and the Riverside Student Council has worked hard to get input from the students. All input has been compiled into a jam-packed, age-appropriate calendar for the month.
Highlights include: students will make reading importance posters for the community, create bookmarks with reading strategies, have a chance to dress up as their favorite literary character, take a walking field trip to the Manchester Library, and engage in cross-grade collaboration where older students will read to younger students in the building.
The highlight of the entire month-long event is the reading slip challenge. Each time a student has finished a chapter book, they will fill out a slip asking comprehension questions about their book and obtain a parent signature. The class with the most slips gathered at the end of each week will win a pizza party.
The best part of the reading slip challenge is the collective effort throughout the school. Each book read will equate to one strip of duct-tape and at the end of the month, Mr. Puhl will be duct-taped to the wall with each strip! Our kick-off was Friday, March 1, with classroom readings of Oh, the Places You’ll Go!, written by Dr. Seuss.
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