Sportsman Club chili cook off winners

Dawn Chizek and her daughter Madison cooked the winning Chili at the Manchester Sportsman Club’s 2019 Chili Cook off. Photo courtesy of Dawn Chizek.
The Manchester Sportsman Club (MSC) held their annual chili cook-off on February 23rd. Scott Poet, president of the club stated, “Things went well. Everyone had a great time. A lot of great chili was enjoyed by all.”
The best chili was chosen by the the guests who served as tasters and judges. Prizes were given for “Best “Booth” based on decorations, and “Best Chili.”
Norman LeBlanc won “Best Booth.” There was a tie for first place for “Best Chili,” which was broken by MSC president Scott Poet. His eyes were covered and then he was “fed” each of these two chilis by MSC treasurer and event coordinator, Lisa Poet. Dawn Chizek was awarded first place with Mark VanBogelen coming in second. Third place was awarded to Brent LeBlanc. Prizes and cash were awarded to each winner.
Scott Poet would like to extend a huge Thank You to everyone who cooked chili, and for all of the tasters and judges who came out as well as to the MSC members and Pistol Prodigies Team who helped set up, prepare for, and clean up after the event.
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