Plots available for rent at the Community Garden

Photo of Community Garden from previous year
submitted by Ruth VanBogelen, Manchester Community Garden Committee
The Manchester Community Garden is now renting plots for the 2019 growing season. Many of the plots have already been rented, but we have seven plots which are 20 feet x 20 feet in size still available and are only $45. Multiple families are welcome to share a garden plot.
The garden is located on the bus loop between Klager and the Jr./Sr. High School. The garden is fenced to keep deer out, and we use sets of sprinklers on timers so that individual gardeners do not have to water their plots. In the past several years, approximately 2,000 pounds of produce have been harvested from the gardens – or about 100 pounds per 20×20 plot. We use organic practices in the garden (no Round-up, Sevin Dust, etc. can be used). We have hauled in dump truck loads of organic lamb compost so plants grow amazingly big! We have to warn you that occasionally a ground hog digs its way into the garden, but we do trap and relocate these unwanted guests.
Several families have gardened for many years and are willing to share their expertise. Some advice includes: 1) use weed block or lots of straw between rows to help keep weeds under control, 2) think about the space each plant will need when it is fully grown as you plant (crowded plants do not do well) and 3) plant seeds (there are free seeds at the Seed Library located at the Manchester District Library) for most vegetables except peppers, tomatoes, eggplant and herbs. We have found if you buy seedlings for squash, beans, etc., that these plants are often already stunted from being in pots too long. Likewise, even with the plants you buy like tomatoes and peppers, don’t purchase plants that already have flowers or fruit/vegetable on them. Instead, buy small, hardy-looking seedlings.
This year, because of the closing of the Manchester Market, it is a good year to try growing your own food. Applications are available at the Manchester District Library or email us at and we’ll send you an application.

The Community Garden includes fifteen 20×20 plots, four 10×10 plots, two 4×8 raised beds and six 4×4 raised beds. All plots in gray have already been rented. There are seven 20×20 plots available.
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