Dale Weidmayer recognized at 2019 Washtenaw Agriculture Banquet

The Washtenaw County Dairy and Livestock Council honored Ruth Broesamle from Grass Lake and Dale Weidmayer from Freedom Township, Ann Arbor at their annual Washtenaw County Agriculture Banquet held March 14 at the Chelsea High School. The board presented them with their Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award in recognition of their many years of dedication and service to the agricultural community in Washtenaw County. Pictured left to right are Mike Schaible, Manchester, Council Vice President; Ruth Broesamle; Dale Weidmayer; and Jerry Kuhl, Chelsea, Council President.
More than 275 people attended the 2019 Washtenaw County Agriculture Banquet, hosted by the Washtenaw County Dairy Livestock Council at the Chelsea High School. A roast beef and chicken dinner was prepared by Chelsea Food Service and served by the National Honor Society from Chelsea High School. The entertainment for the evening was provided by comedian Tim Cavanaugh.
The Council presented their Distinguished Service to Agriculture Awards to Dale Weidmayer from Freedom Township and Ruth Broesamle from Chelsea. These awards are given in recognition of many years of dedication and service to the agricultural community in Washtenaw County. The group was pleased to have State Senator Lana Theis from the 22nd District, State Representative Donna Lasinski from the 52nd District, and State Representative Yousef Rabhi from the 53rd District attend the banquet also.
The Washtenaw County Dairy Livestock Council also gave a big thank you to all of the contributors to the 2019 banquet.

Pictured are the Washtenaw County Dairy Livestock Council officers and board members for 2019, left to right: Seated: Trent Satterthwaite, Chelsea, Treasurer; Paul Rothfuss, Saline; Standing: Ryan Rentschler, Ann Arbor; Dennis Trinkle, Chelsea; Joe Koengeter, Chelsea; Mike Schaible, Manchester, Vice President; Russell Exelby, Saline; Dennis Huehl, Chelsea, Secretary; Jerry Kuhl, Chelsea, President; David Bohnett, Saline; Howard Sias, Chelsea; John Broesamle, Saline; Robert Herrst II, Ann Arbor; Bill VanRiper, Chelsea; and Joel Powers, Manchester. Not pictured are Bob Bulmon from Dexter and David Bucholtz, Manchester, honorary member.
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