St. Mary Manchester Fish Fry No. 4 sets new record

Zipporah beaming with food
submitted by Betty Cummings
St. Mary’s Fish Fry set a new record for this year, serving 303 drive thru/take out dinners and 500 dine-in dinners for a total of 803 meals! Parishioners of all ages help out at St. Mary’s fish fries. Even the youngest ones are eager to work. Twelve-year old twins Jesse (l) and Jeffrey Sangster (r) bus tables and set them up for more guests. When she is not busy with other duties, eight-year old Zipporah Schiel looks forward to enjoying her own delicious fish dinner. Fr. Bosco always helps out where he is needed. Here, he takes a moment to show off the new Saint Mary aprons.

Father Bosco

Jesse and Jeffrey Sangster
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