Easter egg hunt & breakfast with the Easter bunny this weekend

The Men’s Club hand-dyes thousands of eggs for their annual Easter Egg hunt!
Easter is Sunday, April 21st this year and if you are looking for something fun to do with children on Saturday, the pancake breakfast with the Easter bunny and long standing Mens Club Easter Egg Hunt are options!
This Saturday, April 20th, the Sportsman Club located at 8501 Grossman Rd., will be holding their 7th Annual Breakfast with the Easter Bunny. It features all-you-can-eat pancakes, prepared by King’s Pancake Company of Belleville. Breakfast runs from 10 am to noon and the Easter Bunny will make a special appearance for visits and pictures at 10:30 am. Breakfast costs $6 for attendees ages 10 and up, $4 for attendees ages 4 to 9 (with paid adult) and is free for those 3 and under (with paid adult). Sausage and fruit are available breakfast add-ons for $2. This event is a fundraiser to support the Sportsman Club.
The Manchester Mens Club will be hosting its Annual Easter Egg Egg Hunt at 1 pm on Saturday, April 20th at Carr Park (Main Street, on the west edge of town). There will be prizes and candy; plenty of Easter Eggs for all … and maybe even a visit from the Easter Bunny! There are age groups for children from toddler through 5th grade. The event is free and everyone is welcome.
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