Hearing delayed for RV park; plans continue

Red outlined portion is the parcel proposed for an RV Park, adjoining the Sharon and Bridgewater Township borders, on the east side of Parr Road in the northeast corner of Manchester Township.
A public hearing of the Manchester Township Planning Commission was scheduled for March 21 to hear public input on a request by the Doan Company to build an RV park at the site of a former gravel pit on Parr Road. Before the meeting, the Doan representatives requested to be removed from the agenda. Because there were no other agenda items to be discussed by the Planning Commission at that time the meeting was cancelled.
Planning Commission Chair Mike Walters indicated that as of April 10, there had been no request from any Doan representative to withdraw the request for the “Hidden Lakes RV Park” plan that was submitted by the company in November.
Plans will likely continue, with some alterations and updates from the original request, and a new meeting will be rescheduled at some time in the future when Doan and the township are prepared to hear input from residents. According to Walters, “There has not been a request or plan to reschedule the public hearing at this time. The original application is still applicable, so there is not a need to re-submit at this time.”
Walters added that the Doan Company is “continuing to work with the township and its planning consultants to develop updates to their plan as required.”
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