Manchester teachers adopt a highway!

This group of teachers, students, and friends who cleaned up four miles of I-94 on Saturday are just trying to make their community a little bit better!
Manchester Community Schools teachers are proud to announce they are taking part in the state’s Adopt-A-Highway program, by adopting a four-mile stretch of I-94 between Fletcher and Dancer Roads, east and westbound.
On three days this year, in April, July, and September, teachers and other helpers will clean up trash from the shoulder of the road. This past Saturday, April 13, was the first time for the trash pickup; Saturday, July 13 will be the second time.
Manchester teachers Kristen Cole, Kerry Wolf, and Brett Whalen, along with Manchester students Bernice Tracy, Payton Alexa, and Liz O’Hotzke, and friends Jake Kranz and Jeffrey Schaffer, made that four-mile stretch of I-94 look a little more beautiful this week.
“It took a few hours and 80 bags of trash but our first of three pick ups is done,” said Brett Whalen, sixth grade teacher, who is coordinating this project on behalf of the teachers. “We all have some interesting stories of what treasures were found in the side of the road.”
Whalen said that all who are participating in the event have watched a safety video and read the safety literature to make sure all rules are followed and there are no problems.
Whalen adds, “This is a way for the teachers to give back to the area by making it a cleaner and more pleasant place to live and do business.
“It was a lot of work and we would love to have a few more bodies helping us in July. Please consider helping!”
Members of the Manchester High School National Honor Society, and other students who are looking for community service hours, are welcome to join in this project. Anyone in the community who would like to join the teachers and support their efforts this summer and fall, can contact Whalen by email at
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