Come up-right a school bus with kid power before Math & Science Night!

Twenty kids use pulleys to upright a tipped-over semi truck in the parking lot of Klager Elementary as part of Math and Science Night in 2017!
Two years ago, kids were able to upright a semi truck using just their own strength and pulleys. Last year kids used their strength and pulleys to defeat adults in a game of tug-of-war over a cement mixer. This, year Bill Kerns and Manchester Collision is back, and from 5 to 6 pm before Math and Science Night this Friday in the Klager Elementary School parking lot, kids will be using their own strength and pulleys to upright a tipped-over school bus!
Math and Science Night will run from 6 to 8 pm in Klager Elementary School, located at 405 Ann Arbor Street. There is no charge to attend or to participate in any of the fun, science and math hands-on activities. Everyone in the community is invited!
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