Five generations of Strongs

Maureen Strong’s five generations include herself (upper left); son Craig (middle); grandson Scott (upper right); great-grandson Scott Jr.; and great-great grandson Scott III. One of Craig’s other sons, Brent, also served his country in Afghanistan.
Maureen Strong will turn 88 in June, but she has no intention of going anywhere any time soon.
She just welcomed her second great-grandson on April 13, who was born on her daughter-in-law’s birthday, and was named Wesley in honor of Maureen’s father. And with 10 grandchildren, a plethora of great-grandchildren (16), plus a couple honorary grandchildren, she has plenty to keep her busy and active for many years to come.
Maureen graduated from high school in 1948 and from 1952-54 served her country in the US Air Force. She recalls standing at attention with her regiment when Dwight D. Eisenhower was inaugurated as President in January 1953. When she got out of the service, she married her husband Ronald and in 1955 had her first of four sons, Chris. Soon afterward, she and her husband welcomed Craig (who is the great-grandfather to Scott and Wesley). Doug and Jay are her younger sons, born in 1960 and 1966.
Maureen continues to make “children her business” since 1996 and also is the honorary grandma of a family where she has provided care for the past 15 years.
She’s a proud veteran and says the VA has taken very good care of her over the years. After he husband passed away in 1990 from asbestos exposure, she sold her home and has lived at Woodhill Senior Apartments since they were built in 1994. Her apartment looks out onto the woods behind her, where she has a view of plenty of wildlife all year long. She says she’d “never want to live anywhere else.”

Maureen also has four generations of men through the family of her son Doug (second from left).
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