Superintendent responds to anticipated school layoffs

Nick Steinmetz
submitted by Nick Steinmetz, Superintendent Manchester Community Schools
On February 24, 2019, a Manchester Community Schools Budget Workshop, open to the public, was held at Riverside Intermediate at 6 pm. [Editor’s note: see article in March 11 Manchester Mirror]. That evening, one of the main topics of conversation were the larger class sizes currently at the Jr/Sr High school compared to our K-6 enrollment.
Our five-year Kindergarten enrollment average is approximately 60 students. Our 2019 graduating class is roughly 100. This equates to a drop in enrollment next year of approximately 40 students and roughly $300,000 in state aid revenue. As a result, we need to continue to right size the district.
At April’s Board of Education meeting, action was taken to lay off three MCS positions effective June 30, 2019. These positions include: Mr. Lavell Blanchard (Jr/Sr High School AP/AD), Mr. Gary Puhl III (Riverside Intermediate Principal/Director of Special Education), and Courtney McLennan (Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent). With these layoffs came some wonderings and rumors.
The first rumor was that we would be closing Riverside. This is not true. Riverside will continue to be the home of our third through sixth grade students. Additionally, there will be a principal present at the building.
The second rumor is that MCS would be without an athletic director. This is also false. Our athletic department will continue to have an athletic director in place.
As always, these decisions are extremely difficult to make. It is not to say that any of the employees who were issued layoff notices, will not be part of the Manchester Community Schools moving forward. However, the positions cannot remain status quo. Our goal at MCS is to provide a well rounded K-12 experience for all students both in and out of the classroom, and we will continue to do that.
Additionally, we are working with outside organizations to generate new funding streams that directly impact the positions that were issued layoff notices. Once these plans are all finalized, more information will be provided with a formal communication from the district.
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