Road work updates
Washtenaw County Road Commission reports that several local roads (primarily unpaved, non-main) will see intermittent lane closures during the week of May 6. Plan your routes accordingly.
In Freedom Township, Ernst Road between Bethel Church and Reno will have work continuing through approximately May 13. Manchester Township roads facing intermittent lane closures include Logan between the township line and M-52, and Sharon Hollow between Ely and Herman Roads.
The Sharon Valley Bridge deck was poured on April 27.
According to a press release from WCRC, “Last Friday, our contractors poured the concrete and now it is curing to gain strength. Once the deck has cured completely, our contractors will be back to form the concrete approach slabs for the road leading to the bridge. The contractor also still needs to complete the bridge railing and pave the road approaches.”
WCRC is getting closer to the end of this project but there are still some items that need to be completed before the road can be reopened. As long as the weather cooperates, they hope to have it reopened to traffic by early July.
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