SLS and SRSLY Manchester present their first Spring Benefit Dinner and Show this weekend
Submitted by Alex Duranczyk, SRSLY Manchester
In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, SLS (Student Leading Students) and SRSLY Manchester students have been brainstorming how to bring more awareness on mental health issues in our community.
“After many meetings students decided to bring back the Variety Show with a new twist. Students want to showcase their peers’ talents while also fundraising for mental health organizations in Washtenaw County,” said Alex Duranczyk, SRSLY Manchester Coalition Director. “SLS and SRSLY Manchester students were adamant about having an event that would give back to agencies that support those around us.”
The three agencies that will receive fundraising support are Bridgewater Support Services, Ozone House, and Washtenaw Alive.
Bridgewater Support Services, located in Manchester, offers therapy on an individual basis and in group settings. Bridgewater also uses Equine Assisted Psychotherapy which creates an opportunity to engage in therapy and activities with horses. For more information visit
Ozone House is located in Ann Arbor and has a drop-in center in Ypsilanti. Ozone House provides services that encourage young people to lead safe, healthy, productive lives. Ozone House offers many services ranging from counseling, crisis line, drop-in center, and LGBTQ+ support. For more information visit
Washtenaw Alive is Washtenaw County’s suicide prevention planning collaboration, which focuses on the mental health and wellness of the community and decreasing the rate of suicide.
This student-led Variety Show will be held Friday, May 17 at Manchester Jr/Sr High School. A Taco Bar dinner will be provided at 5:30 pm followed by the show at 6:30 pm. The show will include students performing and sharing their talents. Representatives and information from organizations including Washtenaw Alive will be on hand that evening as well.
Tickets are available online here as well as available for purchase at the Farmers Market at Chi-Bro Park May 16 at the SRSLY Manchester booth. Tickets also will be available at the door on the night of the show.
For more information please contact or visit our website
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