Historical Society needs volunteers!

Submitted by Ann Walton, Manchester Area Historical Society
The Manchester Area Historical Society (MAHS) gift shop committee has been hard at work planning items to sell and activities that will generate money for our Society.
We find that we are in need of volunteers for specific items and events. If you are able to or know someone who can provide any of the following, we’d sure appreciate your expertise. Please contact the person listed, or Liz Polk lizpolk1@gmail.com or Karen Berg karenberg@mahsmi.org, if you are interested in helping.
- The museum is looking for items that might have been sold at the early Manchester mercantile shops (such as antique bottles, tins, food boxes, dry goods, clothes, etc.) Contact Sue LaRocque at suelarocque@hotmail.com .
- Assistance with planning or working on a Historical Haunted Manchester Walk planned for Saturday, October 26th . (Contact Pat Sahakian at psahakian@gmail.com or Liz Polk.)
- Someone who can do hand-lettering (calligraphy) on Christmas ornaments and possibly other items.
- Recipes with the story behind them for a cookbook. (Contact Linn Wilson at Linn@wolflakelanding.com)
- Make old-time craft items that we can sell in the gift shop.
- People who can teach “lost art” crafts such as canning, weaving, rag rug making, and other similar types of skills.
- A person to coordinate heritage craft classes with the artists who have expressed an interest in leading the class.
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