MHS Class of ’79 planning 40-year reunion

submitted by Angie Day, MHS Class of 1979
The Manchester High School Class of 1979 is planning its 40th year reunion to be held on Saturday, July 27 starting at 3:00 pm at Kevin Krzyzaniak’s house, located at 10680 Saline-Milan Road, Saline. We will be having a pig roast and are asking people to bring their preferred beverage and a dish to pass according to the first letter of your last name (maiden name for women) as follows: A-H dessert, I-O side dish, P-Z fruit or vegetable.
We are asking for $20 per person to cover expenses and will communicate about collecting from everyone later.
At this time, we need to know how many people to expect so that we can finalize the plans. Please respond by June 13 to our Facebook page Manchester High School, Class of 1979, Manchester, Michigan or to our new email address and let us know if you are planning to come and the number of people you will be bringing with you (families are welcome).
Not everyone is on social media sites or accesses the Manchester Mirror, so please pass this information on to other classmates. Questions can be directed to Maureen Zsenyuk Heslip, Vanessa Ames Albee, Joan Schaible Meagher, Angie Day, Brenda (Smith) and Ron Mahan, Ryan Johnson, or Kevin Krzyzaniak.
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