Australian visitors enjoy a taste of small-town life

Six years ago, while Pat and Dwayne Vailliencourt were visiting New Zealand, Pat happened to be working on a quilt square during a tour when a woman approached her to inquire about the pattern.
“As fellow quilters, Allison and I bonded pretty much immediately,” Pat recalls with a chuckle. “It turned out that both Dwayne and I enjoyed their company and we had some great times with them while we were in New Zealand.
Since that time, the Vailliencourts and Brices have kept in touch via email. Recently, an email from Allison to Pat contained a surprise.
“They were planning a trip to the United States and they wanted to know if they could include Manchester in their itinerary,” Pat said. “Of course, we said yes!”
An all-American back yard cookout was planned to introduce the Aussie guests to our very own Manchester and show them some good old “Manchester Hospitality.” About 40 guests–including many quilters–enjoyed the festivities, which were held on the eve of the Brice’s departure from Manchester.
The Brices also spent a day shopping downtown, dining at local eateries, meeting local residents, and learning more about the community. They enjoyed the small-town flavor and were very impressed with the friendliness of everyone they met.
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