Whelan family requests messages to Paul for July 4

The following message has been received from Elizabeth Whelan, Paul’s sister (and Rosemary and Ed’s daughter), in Massachusetts:
“I am heading back to DC next week to push for more action on the part of our government to get Paul N. Whelan out of Lefortovo Prison, Moscow. It’s been almost 6 months, for goodness’ sake!
Read more about Paul Whelan’s imprisonment here.
“But in the meantime, July 4 is coming up and now that we know he is getting mail (if very late and in a haphazard manner) I thought y’all might consider writing to him to wish him a happy 4th — he will appreciate it, I know, as he always marks the major holidays and I don’t think they celebrate this one in Russia!
“Here’s the address, and your letter/card only needs a regular stamp:”
Paul Whelan (Lefortovo)
American Citizen Services Unit
Consular Section
5430 Moscow Place
Department of State
Washington, DC 20521-5430
“The US Embassy is always pleased to be able to deliver a pile of cards and letters to the prison for Paul — it shows them that we care and are not going to forget about his plight!
“Ask your friends to do the same, if you would like — the more, the merrier!
“Thanks for your help — a few words of support and some description of what you are up to in your life would be a welcome distraction for him, and keep his spirits up.”
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