Alumni Association celebrates Class of 1969 and more

Submitted by Paul Heinrich, Manchester High School Alumni Association
The 142nd Manchester High School Alumni Banquet was held on Saturday, June 15 at Manchester High School.
About 170+ alumni and guests attended the banquet and represented classes from 1943 to 2019. Luther Westcott from the 2019 class led the gathering in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Reverend David C Bucholtz, class of 1971, delivered the Invocation, and Kathleen Feldkamp, class of 1969, delivered the Benediction, which concluded the program.
More than $14,000 in scholarship awards were presented to members of the class of 2019. Scholarship winners were-Elizabeth O’Hotzke, Paige Bourland, Luther Westcott, Ellen Walkowe, Mitchell Ernst, Hannah Foltz, Katie Pohs, Emma Mrocko, Erin Thompson, Rayna Edwards, and Jaden Humphrey.
Mary Gilbert Gilmore is the person who traveled the greatest distance to attend, coming from Laguna Beach, California. The oldest living alumnus is Howard Parr, class of 1937.
Richard E. Lowery served as toastmaster, and also was the responder for his class of 1969. Others speaking on behalf of their class were Vanessa Ames Albee (1979), James E. Creech (1959) and Luther Westcott (2019).
The Alumni Association Board of Directors for the 2019-2020 will be: President-Beverly Feldkamp Smith 1970; Vice President-David W. Roberts 1971; Treasurer-Colleen Scully Kemner 1981; Historian-Betty Cummings 1958; Membership Chair-Vicki Eisele 1970; Corresponding Secretary-Alisa Clark King 1979; Recording Secretary-Laurie Walz Sanders 1980; and Directors-Mary Kay Schaible Bailey 1963, Linda Tomko McGee 1968, Paul Heinrich 1969, Laura Sutton 1972, Gary Voegeding 1975, and Jennifer Bailey Strahle 1989.
If you have questions or comments, please contact the Alumni Association
Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this wonderful event such a huge success. We hope to see all of you again on June 20, 2020, for the 143rd annual Banquet.

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