Community Wide Vacation Bible School starts this week

Emanuel United Church of Christ, Manchester United Methodist Church, St. Mary Roman Catholic Church, and Sharon United Methodist Church are teaming up to bring Community Wide Vacation Bible School to Manchester this week, June 17-20th at Emanuel UCC, located at 324 West Main Street from 5:30 to 8 pm, with dinner and snack included. There is no fee to attend.
Each evening children and volunteers check in at Registration in the Fellowship Hall before heading to a table for the meal. If you have a preschool child attending, you are encouraged to eat with him/her. The meal is followed by an opening assembly and activity centers – Bible Story, Crafts/Science, Music, and Recreation. Then it’s time for the closing assembly. Most activities for the preschool children will be in their classrooms.
An offering is taken each evening. A paper product, cleaning supply or money for the Manchester Community Resource Center (CRC) may be brought.
Each family attending will receive a CD with the songs that are sung at Vacation Bible School. If your family did not receive one, let a volunteer in the registration area know. Listening to the CD helps the children learn the songs.
The theme Bible verse for the week is Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us! Ephesians 3:20 and Bible stories for each day:
- Monday –Go Beyond with Faith! Bible Story: Daniel Trusts God in the Lions’ Den. Daniel 6
- Tuesday – Go Beyond with Kindness! Bible Story: The good Samaritan Helps a Fellow Traveler. Luke 10:25-37
- Wednesday – Go Beyond with Thankfulness! Bible Story: Jesus Heals ten lepers. Luke 17:11-19
- Thursday – Go Beyond with Hope! Bible Story: Jesus Comforts Friends on the Way to Emmaus. Luke 24:13-35
Families are encouraged to attend the closing assembly that begins at 7:45 pm. Children with families at the closing assembly are dismissed first. Preschool children are picked up in their classroom. The child’s group leader takes the nametag when she/he is released to a person listed on it. Preschool children are dismissed from their classroom. As the children leave the building, a take home snack is given to each one.
Thursday, June 20th, you are invited to attend the meal with your child/children. It will be a potluck with beverages, hot dogs, buns, and toppings provided. Bring a dish to share: vegetable, fruit, etc. Following the meal, you may attend the activities with your child/children or return for the closing assembly that begins at 7:45 pm. There will be a special treat for everyone.
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