Magic in Manchester?
submitted by Sue Fielder, Manchester Area Garden Inspiration Club

Oh yeah! The Manchester Area Garden Inspiration Club (MAGIC) has completed the Edwardian-style garden in front of the Kingsley-Jenter House, and we are on to our next projects. Look for the bright green shirts to see what these gardeners are up to next. You might be surprised.
Membership is open (no gardening experience needed), and there are no membership dues. We are looking for fellow members who like to play in the soil and make “magic” visible.
In addition to monthly evening meetings on the third Tuesdays and local worker-bee projects, we are planning field trips and social gatherings at each other’s homes to share our love of nature and gardening experiences.
We want to thank the Manchester Historical Society for funding the Edwardian Garden project and Mike McLennan for donating the gravel removal and soil preparation for the new garden. We’ll have a Facebook page soon, and you can contact us at
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