11th Annual Run Manchester

The 11th Annual Run Manchester will be held Saturday, August 3rd. The 5k/10k race will start at 8 am on the Main Street Bridge. You can register at https://runsignup.com/runmanchester before the day of the race for $30 for the 5K and $35 for the 10K. Sign up by July 22nd to be guaranteed a Run Manchester t-shirt. Everyone who completes the race will get a medal. The Kids Fun Run starts at 9 am and is free.
This year is the second year Manchester Community Schools’ FIRST robotics team has organized the event. In 2018 there were over 150 runners participating in the 5K/10K and dozens of children participating in the fun run, with many family and friends spectating.
The course is the same as last year, starting on the bridge and heading east of downtown, utilizing school property and the multi-use trail. The course was redesigned last year from previous years and is USATF certified.
All proceeds from the run go to support all levels of FIRST robotics teams in the Manchester Community Schools, which will be made up of 40 kids next school year ranging from third through 12th grade.
Robotics team coach, Matthew Hall stated, “We are thankful to all of the community members and business that have continued to support our teams. We are very grateful for AMCOR and the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation for sponsoring the run this year.”
Although for the last five years the Run has ended at the edge of a downtown street festival, it appears this year the Run will be a stand alone event. The Village has reported that no one has approached them about a street festival this year and last year’s Street Festival organizers have moved on to organizing this summer’s Third Thursday events.

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