Public Notice: Manchester Township

Township of Manchester
Resolution No. 19-08
July 2, 2019
A resolution to adopt an ordinance to amend the Manchester Township Zoning Ordinance to regulate “small-cell” wireless communication facilities by amending Section 4.04 “Density and Height Regulations”, Subsection D, and by amending Section 16.20 “Commercial Communication Towers”, Subsection D “General Regulations”, Subsection 6 “Height”, pursuant to the authority granted by the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Act 110 of 2006 (MCL 125.3101 et. seq.), as amended.
WHEREAS, Manchester Township has zoning powers pursuant to the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Act 110 of 2006 (MCL 125.3101 et seq.), as amended; and
WHEREAS, after public hearing, the Manchester Township Planning Commission has recommended that the Manchester Township Zoning Ordinance be amended by amending Section 4.04 “Density and Height Regulations”, Subsection D, and by amending Section 16.20 “Commercial Communication Towers”, Subsection D “General Regulations”, Subsection 6 “Height”; and
WHEREAS, the Manchester Township Board of Trustees accepts the recommendation of the Manchester Township Planning Commission and finds that it is in the best interest of the residents of the Township to amend the Manchester Township Zoning Ordinance by amending Section 4.04 “Density and Height Regulations”, Subsection D, and by amending Section 16.20 “Commercial Communication Towers”, Subsection D “General Regulations”, Subsection 6 “Height”;
THEREFORE, be it resolved that Ordinance No. 19-08, entitled “An ordinance to amend the Manchester Township Zoning Ordinance to regulate “small-cell” wireless communication facilities by amending Section 4.04 “Density and Height Regulations”, Subsection D, and by amending Section 16.20 “Commercial Communication Towers”, Subsection D “General Regulations”, Subsection 6 “Height’”’ is made, passed, and adopted.
Township Trustee DeRossett moved the adoption of the foregoing Resolution, which was seconded by Township Trustee Seefeld and thereupon adopted by the Manchester Township Board of Trustees by a roll call vote of the Township Board at the regular meeting, held this 2nd day of July, 2019.
The following members voted:
Ayes: Carey, Moutinho, Milkey, Macomber, Proctor, DeRossett, Seefeld
Nays: None
Absent or abstain: None
The Supervisor declared the resolution adopted.
Danell Proctor, Township Clerk
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