Sara Swanson

2019 Chicken Broil raises $20,000 for High School’s Agriculture Program

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Manchester District Library held a special chicken-themed storytime on Wednesday July 17th in honor of this year’s Chicken Broil . Photo courtesy of the Manchester District Library

With another very hot Chicken Broil in books, co-chairman Michael Tindall reflected back on this year’s event. Tindall stated:

I would like to thank all of the volunteers that came out on one of the hottest days of the year and worked together to make our broil a successful day. Gary Bross and I both agree that as far as issues that arose, it was one of the smoothest broils either of us remember. The chickens cooked in record time this year and were good size. Our 9,000 chicken halves were all unloaded from the truck, and put on the pits by 4pm. That is about 2-3 hours faster than normal.

We knew the drive-thru had a long wait, but it was not because there were problems, it was because there were so many vehicles using it! We served 3,293 dinners through the Drive-Thru, and that was the highest number of dinners served there since we started the Drive-Thru. The total dinners served this year was 7384, and that number certainly made our broil a success. 

When I watch the dedication of the volunteers, it once again tells me just how great our community really is. There were several customers who stopped me and said they had learned of our broil on Under the Radar Michigan, and were very happy they came out.  

This was the first year we offered opportunities for sponsorships, and we raised over $ 7,000 with them. That money will all be given back to our community through awarded projects. This year we will donate $ 20,000 to the school system to their Agriculture department. They will be building a barn to better accommodate the farm animal portion of their program.

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