DDA recognizes MAHS for the Kingsley-Jenter House

The Downtown Development Authority presented a Beautification Award to the Manchester Area Historical Society in recognition of the extensive building renovations and improved landscape at the Kingsley-Jenter House located at 302 East Main Street. Recently, an Edwardian-styled perennial garden was added to the landscape.
The Manchester Area Historical Society (MAHS) was formed in 1976, the year of our nation’s Bicentennial. They purchased the John Schneider Blacksmith Shop in 1982 and converted it into a functioning example of blacksmithing techniques, as well as a meeting place and archives.
In 2015, the MAHS purchased the former Kingsley Home and Borek-Jennings Funeral Home, now known as the Kingsley-Jenter House, and began converting the building into a community meeting place and MAHS headquarters. Grant funding obtained from community donors and the State of Michigan funded extensive remodeling and building upgrades. Current renovations include a gift shop, archive storage, and a museum displaying multiple Manchester historical themes.
The MAHS hosts monthly membership meetings that include informational programs. Other activities include sponsored historic events such as the 2017 Sesquicentennial and family genealogy tours. The MAHS works to preserve and promote Manchester’s history through historic informational plaques around town and a variety of brochure publications. They are working with students in our local schools, and currently have about 100 members, with growing interest among youth and new residents in the community.
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