Klager students met with a Washtenaw County Sheriff’s deputy to learn about how the police help keep us safe.
The Manchester Safety Town program, coordinated by Klager staff members Michelle Champagne and Sarah Roberts, was held last week at Klager Elementary School.
Lessons focused on fire safety, dog safety, police and EMS, bus safety, stranger danger, car safety, and learning street signs, to name just a few.
About 25-30 students attended each day and had fun while learning important lessons about their everyday safety!
One of the crossing guards brought a lesson to Safety Town attendees last week.
Staying safe around dogs and other animals was discussed at last week’s Safety Town event.
Getting to sit in a fire/EMS vehicle was a fun part of the Safety Town program!
A walk to the park put some of the Safety Town lessons into action!
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Marsha Johnson Chartrand, a founder, writer, and copy editor with the Manchester Mirror, is a 50-year resident of Manchester. She has a long history of volunteer and community involvement.
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