CRC Social Hour joins MASCC Lunch

The Community Resource Center is once again teaming up with the Manchester Area Senior Citizens Council to pair their social hour with the seniors’ lunch. The social hour/lunch will be September 10th at Emanuel Church located at 324 West Main Street (enter from parking lot in back). Lunch begins at 11:45 am and costs $4 for attendees aged 55 and older and $4.50 for those under 55. Social hour will being at 12:30 pm and run until 1:30 pm.
The Community Resource Center has been hosting social hours for the last couple of years in their office–both at their previous location in the Ackerson Building and their current location in Riverside School. The social hours are facilitated by Kathy Walz, St. Joes Chelsea’s behavioral health navigator, who comes to Manchester once a week to meet with residents.
Everyone will be encouraged to share something from their past, present, or future. Come, meet your neighbors, and chat!
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