Letter to the Editor: In Response to “About Immigration”

Editor’s note: We are implementing a new Letters to the Editor policy beginning next week. Read about our new policy here.
August 28, 2019
(See letter refered to here)
It is very easy to get caught up in the liberal bias of the media in our country. We are receiving a constant diatribe of fake information and heavily skewed reporting. Here are a few responses to the false information that has appeared in the news lately.
Firstly: The costs of illegal immigration are comprehensive. Even after deducting the $19 billion in taxes paid by illegal immigrants, the 12.5 million of them living in the country results in a $200 billion burden on the economy and taxpayers each year. About two-thirds of this amount is absorbed by local and state taxpayers, who are often the least able to share the costs.
Secondly: Over One Million Illegal Immigrants enter our country every year. Another 600,000 over stay their visas every year. One million are given brought in legally and another 700,000 are brought in through chain migration. This means we have over 3.3 million immigrants every year. Compared to other countries Canada takes in 300,000, United Kingdom allows 350,000, Mexico takes in 35,000. We are a very generous and giving country but this invasion must be stopped.
Third: Most Central Americans endure an expensive and arduous journey with great risk. They do it because they love our country and think they will be saved. I have visited two of those countries and after talking to the people most come for two reasons. Healthcare and a better life. If they are at great risk why do they travel though safe counties and continue to the U.S.? Because our immigration laws allow them to scam the system once they set foot in our country.
Fourth: We have a labor shortage here, especially in jobs that Americans refuse or can’t do. We have a system to address that called a work visa system. This is not the case as most apply for public assistance and receive it. Also those jobs will be filled when wages rise because of the lack of labor. More workers mean lower wages.
Fifth: Our prior Democratic administration set up programs in Central America to address poverty and gang-war issues which are the root cause of so many coming norths. This is the funniest one. The money that the Obama administration gave to these counties did nothing to stem the tide of illegal immigrants. That money was simply taken by corrupt officials. We give these counties hundreds of millions of dollars in aid and all they do is send their problems north to the United States. If we are going to care for their people here let’s stop sending money there.
Sixth: The financial costs that keep people in detention are astronomical, reaching into the multi-billions. One estimate said keeping one person in detention costs US taxpayers over $700 per day. That’s a low estimate. I agree that is the reason our laws need to be changed.
Seventh: Any fault on the detention of illegals falls squarely on the Congress. Our laws reward citizens from other counties to invade our country. Any one that breaks the law is a criminal. They have an opportunity to apply for asylum in the “FIRST SAFE COUNTRY” they arrive at. They choose to not do that. They choose to go to the United States because we are fools. You can cry about its not fair and we need to be kind and all that other liberal hogwash but we need to face facts. Our country is $22 Trillion in debt (thanks mostly to the prior Democrat Administration) and is every American willing to risk their future on this foolish Current Immigration Policy.
And lastly could the current immigration problem be more about a new voter base for the Democrat Party than about compassion? Could this be the real reason the Democrats fight National Voter Identification with such a passion? Makes you wonder.
Donald Vescoso, Manchester
Editor’s Note: Views expressed in any Letter to the Editor are always exclusively those of the author. Do you have something you want Manchester to know? Send your Letter to the Editor to themanchestermirror@gmail.com.
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