Manchester Community Fair moving to August

The Manchester Community Fair, the longest continuous running annual event in the Manchester community, will return for the 76th year and is moving back to August. The Fair Board announced last week that in 2020 the fair will be held August 18th through August 22nd.
Fair board president Steve Harvey stated, “A lot has changed since the Fair was incorporated 76 years ago and continues to change. Although much has changed, we try to keep many traditions the same. As of right now, the biggest change for the 2020 fair is the dates.”
The Manchester Community Fair has shifted around the calendar in recent years, moving to June in 2014 and then to July in 2017. The dates of the fair are decided on taking into account multiple factors; two large factors are the availability of the carnival company they are working with and the availability of Alumni Field.
Now that the fair board has secured a midway/carnival, they are beginning to plan events for the 2020 fair. What events would you like to see at the fair? Send your idea or suggestion by email to or through their website contact button (lower left side) or call Steve Harvey at home at 734-428-7803. The fair board appreciates all feedback and suggestions.
Harvey stated, “Thank you for supporting the Manchester Community Fair and we will see you August 18-22, 2020.”
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