Public Notice: Manchester Township

Manchester Township Hall
Manchester Township
Washtenaw County, Michigan
Resolution 19-11
September 10, 2019
“A resolution to support the existing structure of separate Road Commission appointed by the County Board of Commissioners.”
Whereas, the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) has served Washtenaw County townships for 100 years. The efficient surface pattern of roads and streets we now enjoy are a direct result of the planning and oversight of the WCRC. The commission enjoys a remarkable depth of experience, low turnover and an organizational commitment to quality and service.
Whereas, the Washtenaw County Board of Road Commissioners has been key to setting organizational policy and standards, maintaining open communication with townships, and seeking ideas to improve commission performance. The Road Commissions are particularly suited to understand the concerns of rural and suburban townships.
Whereas, Manchester Township values the cooperative relationship established with the WCRC. Trust has been built, priorities and challenges are shared, ideas and concerns are freely exchanged, and cost-sharing projects completed. This relationship has resulted in better communication, elimination of waste and measurable cost savings for the township and the WCRC.
Whereas, the competent and dedicated staff at WCRC understands issues unique to rural road construction and maintenance. Their high level of engineering, operations and administrative expertise is demonstrated by the lean structure of the road commission, the work they accomplish with restricted funding, and their dedication to serve the motoring public.
Whereas, WCRC is responsive to citizen complaints. Local area foremen communicate with township officials to set and prioritize repairs, explain reasons for any delays, and respond in a timely manner to safety issues on the township roadways.
Whereas, the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners has recently initiated a Review of WCRC Structure as part of a “Calendar of Deliverables” for 2019-2020.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Manchester Township supports the existing structure of a separate Road Commission appointed by the County Board of Commissioners.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board urges the Washtenaw County Board of Commissions to recognize the unique services required by rural townships and preserve the existing knowledge base, high level of professional expertise, and efficient organizational structure of the Washtenaw County Road Commission.
Township Trustee DeRossett moved the adoption of the forgoing Resolution, which was seconded by Township Trustee Seefeld and thereupon adopted by the Manchester Township Board of Trustees by a roll call vote of the Township Board at the regular meeting, held this 10th day of September 2019.
The following members voted:
Ayes: DeRossett, Macomber, Carey, Milkey, Seefeld, Proctor
Nays: None
Absent or abstain: Moutinho
The supervisor declared the resolution adopted.
Danell Proctor, Township Clerk
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