Public Notice: Manchester Township

Manchester Township Hall
Resolution No. 19-12
Motion by Seefeld, Support by Moutinho
Manchester Township Board of Trustees
September 10, 2019
At a regular meeting of the Manchester Township Board, Washtenaw County, Michigan, held at the Township Hall, 275 South Macomb, Manchester, MI, on the 10th day of September, 2019, at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: DeRossett, Carey, Moutinho, Milkey, Seefeld, Macomber, Proctor
The following preamble and resolution were offered by Seefeld and seconded by Moutinho.
WHEREAS, Manchester Township has met with residents, completed site surveys and is finalizing preliminary engineering drawings which support the feasibility non-motorized trail development along Austin Road in Manchester Township; and
WHEREAS, Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Connecting Communities Grant Program makes available funds for trail construction and planning/design/engineering studies; and
WHEREAS, Manchester Township and the Village of Manchester have undertaken a five-year Recreation plan in which residents expressed a desire for non-motorized trail development in Manchester Township; and
WHEREAS, Manchester Township accepted the findings of the Watkins Lake Trail Feasibility Study in July of 2018, which recommended developing a trail in the right-of-way along the south side of Austin Road; and
WHEREAS, Said Study was developed with input from residents and officials of Manchester Township, Village of Manchester, Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation, and Washtenaw County Road Commission; and
WHEREAS, Said Report has been reviewed by the Manchester Township Board and has been found to be consistent with the goals, objectives, and recommendations of the Manchester Township and Village of Manchester 2018 – 2022 Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Board of Trustees of Manchester Township hereby supports pursuing grant funding in the amount of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars ($120,000) to complete final engineering for the Watkins Lake Trail alignment through Manchester Township.
The foregoing Resolution was offered by Board Member Seefeld and supported by Board Member Moutinho.
A roll call vote on the above Resolution was taken and was as follows:
Ayes: DeRossett, Carey, Moutinho, Milkey, Seefeld, Macomber, Proctor
Nays: None
I, the undersigned Township Clerk of the Township of Manchester hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Township Board of the Township of Manchester held on September 10, 2019, the original of which is on file in my office, and that notice of such meeting was given, and the meeting was conducted, pursuant to and in compliance with the Act No. 267, Michigan Public Acts of 1976, as amended.
Danell Proctor
Manchester Township Clerk
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