Public Notice: Sharon Township

Sharon Township Hall
Sharon Township 8/1/19 Board Meeting Synopsis:
The Sharon Township Board held its August Board meeting on August 1, 2019 at the Sharon Town Hall. There were 11 public attendees. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Roll Call: Guysky, Mikel, Psarouthakis, Simons, Cooper: PRESENT. Approval of the amended agenda. There were no public comments. General Reports were given. 2019 taxes went out July 1st. The Planning Commission reported mailing out the Master Plan survey to 572 homes. Discussion took place on the cemetery project and roads projects. Discussion took place on the Manchester Village Citizens Advisory Committee. The Board approved a “Resolution waiving the penalty for late filing of the property transfer affidavit.” *full resolution available at the Town Hall. The planning recommended a conditional use permit on the Bluteau Special Use application on M52. A lengthy discussion took place. The Board deemed 5 conditions to be met and approved the Bluteau Class 2 Home Occupation conditional special use permit. The July 2019 warrant report and August 2019 payroll were presented and approved. A public comment was made on the road conditions. The meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.
Next meeting is on Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 7:00 pm.
Sharon Township 9/5/19 PUBLIC HEARING/ Board Meeting Synopsis:
The Sharon Township Board held its September Board meeting on September 5, 2019 at the Sharon Town Hall. There were 8 public attendees. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Roll Call: Guysky: ABSENT Mikel, Psarouthakis, Simons, Cooper: PRESENT. A motion was made at 7:01 to enter the PUBLIC HEARING on the Codification and Amendment of the Sharon Township Ordinances. There were no attendees for the public hearing and no public comment. A motion was made at 7:03 to re-enter the regular board meeting. Approval of an amended agenda. There were no public comments. General Reports were given. 2019 taxes went out July 1st and are due by September 14, 2019 without penalty. Discussion took place on the cemetery master plan. Discussion took place on the Lehman Rd Culvert. Discussion took place on funds from the Medical Marijuana permit fees being designated to road projects. The Board voted to accept the Washtenaw County Road Commission agreement to replace the Lehman Rd culvert with the township cost of $49,550. Trustee Cooper gave an “unofficial” summary of the results she had to date of the Master Plan survey. Discussion took place on soil erosion and a motion was made and approved to rescind “Article 2 Soil Erosion, Section 2.1 Enforcement Agency and Designation of Chapter 3: Building Regulations and Property Maintenance” from the township ordinance. A discussion took place on the codification and amendments of the Sharon Township Ordinances, a motion was made and approved to adopt the codification and amendments of the Sharon Township Ordinances. The August 2019 warrant report and September 2019 payroll were presented and approved. Public comment on the proposed gravel pit legislation. Meeting adjourned at 7:43pm.
Next meeting is on Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 7:00pm.
To see complete minutes visit:
Submitted by: Chelsea Mikel, Sharon Township Clerk
Approved by: Peter Psarouthakis, Sharon Township Supervisor
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