Fire Department holds open house

The Manchester Township Fire Department pulled out all the stops (and many of the vehicles) to entertain and inform the public during their annual Fire Safety Week open house.
Sunny October skies and crisp fall temperatures made a perfect combination for those who wished to visit the Manchester Township Fire Department’s open house on Sunday afternoon between 1-3 pm. Although a scheduled landing of the life flight helicopter had to be cancelled due to a last-minute emergency, there was much for families to see and do at the fire hall, including cider and doughnuts, examining all the mysteries of each of the various fire vehicles, squirting a fire hose, or riding in a truck (with the siren wailing!) A great time was had by all, especially by the firefighters themselves, who enjoyed introducing their neighbors and families to the friendly and professional service provided by this valuable resource to the community.

Drey Foulke (left), Max Andrews and Luke Andrews check out the ATV purchased in memory of Cameron LaDouceur.

Tyler Andrews learns the intricacies of handling the fire hoses.

Max Harvey tries on a firefighter’s helmet

Lila Harvey, pictured with her sister Leigha, models the latest in firefighters’ attire.

Engine 7-1 provided rides through downtown Manchester throughout the afternoon.
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